My Dear One

Dear One,
I hope you can still wait for me.
I think it was two years ago when I started thinking of you. I do not know your name or your face, but I believe you exist. So, I shall therefore continue to write to you.
How have you been? I hope everything is going well for you, but if not, I hope you choose to keep moving forward.
I know waiting is tough when we are not even sure if the Lord permits us to meet. I do, however, hope you won’t get tired of waiting for me. I hope you make room in your heart for me. I hope you will still keep me in your prayers. I know that’s a lot of hope and I also know that it took me a long time, but I am on my way, so please save pages for me as I do for you.
I’m still in the process of losing myself in the Lord so that you can find me there, and to be quite honest, I often catch myself acting impatiently these days. In fact, I’m thrilled to learn your name so that I can personally address this letter to you. I can’t wait to see myself grow in the Lord while having you beside me. I can’t wait for us to stand on our knees and win battles together. I can’t wait to see the heavens open while holding your hands. I can’t wait to experience the Lord’s promise that no man can separate what He joined together. I can’t wait to live a life of total reliance on the Lord alongside you. I can’t wait to hear your testimonies of God’s faithfulness in your life. I can’t wait to witness your triumph over life’s trials. I can’t wait to see you cry, mad, angry, or sad. But most especially, I can’t wait for the Lord to introduce me to you.
Despite my excitement and the statement that I cannot wait, I will wait. I shall patiently await the absolutely worth-it moment. I will wait for God’s orchestrated time. As for now, by the grace, strength, and guidance of the Lord, I will continue to work on myself to become the woman that God wants me to be, the woman that you are praying for. I believe you are doing your part as well.
Until then, I will continue to keep you and our future family in my prayers. See you in the place that God has prepared for us, my love. I love you with the love of the Lord.
So much love from afar,
Bayn ♡